
Friday 2 October 2020

The Fox and the Goat.

     The Fox and the Goat.

 There was a thirsty fox. He was moving here and there in search of water. He found some water in a well and jumped into it to quench his thirst. He drank water to his satisfaction. Then he tried to come out of the well. The sides of the well were too high for him. At last he got tired and started thinking to get out of the well.

By chance a goat passed by the well. She peeped into the well and asked the fox what he was doing there. He replied that he was drinking water. The fox also invited her to get in as the water was pure and cold. The goat jumped into the well, without thinking even for a moment. The clever fox was anxiously waiting for such an opportunity. He jumped on the back of the goat and jumped out of the well. The goat asked him how she could come out. The fox replied that she should have thought that before she leapt into the well.


Look Before You Leap.

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