
Friday 2 October 2020

Short Questions The Use Of Force


Intermediate F.Sc F.A ICS I.Com English XI Short Questions The Use Of Force

Q 1. What was the condition of the parents on the arrival of the doctor?
Ans. The parents were very nervous. They were looking at the doctor distrustfully.

Q 2. What was the behavior of the child with the doctor?
Ans. It was very cold initially and she did not respond at all. Then she became aggressive and knocked his glasses down. She remained violent during her throat examination.

Q 3. She had a fever for three days, hadn’t she?
Ans. Yes, she had a fever for three days.

Q 4. Did the girl change her expression when the doctor said, “Does your throat hurt you?”
Ans. She did not change her expression at all.

Q 5. Why did the doctor call the sick girl by her name?
Ans. The doctor wanted to get friendly with the girl in his professional manner.

Q 6. Did the sick girl promptly respond to the instruction of the doctor?
Ans. The sick girl did not respond promptly to the instructions of the doctor. She remained non-cooperative and stubborn.

Q 7. Why did the parents rebuke her?
Ans. The parents rebuked her on knocking the doctor’s glasses.

Q 8. What was the threat of the doctor to the child for not showing her throat?
Ans. The doctor threatened the child that if she did not open her mouth herself, they would open it themselves for her.

Q 9. Why did she break the wooden blade?
Ans. She broke the wooden blade because the doctor had forcefully inserted this blade into her mouth to open it. She was frightened from the throat examination.

Q 10. What was the condition of the tonsils of the sick girl?
Ans. Her tonsils were covered with membrane. It showed that she was suffering from diphtheria.

Q 11. How did the child look by appearance?
Ans. When the doctor had a glance of the child she was fully dressed. She was sitting on her father’s lap near the kitchen table. The child had cold and steady eyes. She had expressionless face. She was motionless and seemed inwardly quiet. She was an unusually attractive little girl but as strong as a heifer in appearance. Her face was flushed and she was breathing rapidly. She was in high fever. She had magnificent blonde hair, in profusion. She was like one of those picture children often reproduced in advertising leaflets and specific sections of the Sunday papers.

Q 12. Why did the parents keep the sick child in the kitchen?
Ans. The parents had kept the sick child in the kitchen because it was warm there. The mother told the doctor that sometimes there was dampness in the atmosphere. Therefore they thought it better to keep the child away from damp air. She was suffering from fever. It is normally advised by the doctors that children should be protected against chill or cold when they get fever. There is always a chance of pneumonia or severe chest congestion. They also wanted to save her from epidemic.

Q 13. How did the doctor succeed in examining her throat?
Ans. When the doctor found that the child was not willing to be examined in a normal congenial manner he had to apply force for that. She had also reduced the wooden tongue depressor to pieces by gripping it when he was able to insert it in her mouth. The doctor demanded a silver spoon, overpowered the child’s neck and jaws and forced the heavy spoon back of her teeth and down her throat till she gagged. That was how he saw her  tonsils covered with membrane.

Q 14. Under what circumstances the use of force can be justified?
Ans. When children do not obey their parents or teachers and start spoiling themselves, parents become worried. Parents must be very keen about their activities. They should avoid showing undue love and sympathy. To save their future, parent are justified in using force.

Q 15. Why did the parents keep the sick child in the kitchen? What did the mother tell the doctor about the girl?
Ans. The mother told the doctor that they had kept the girl in the kitchen where it was warm. They wanted to protect her from dampness.

Q 16. How did the sick girl look like? What is the appearance of the sick girl?
Ans. The sick girl looked like an attractive little thing with blonde hair. She was like one of those picture children often reproduced in advertising leaflets and the photogravure sections of the Sunday papers.

Q 17.What did the doctor guess about the illness of the girl?
Ans. He guessed that she had a sore throat or diphtheria.